Contact the 朱丽亚音乐杂志

60 林肯中心 Plaza
纽约, NY 10023
(212) 799-5000, ext. 340

Letters to the Editor

朱丽亚音乐杂志 welcomes letters to the editor. Email letters to the editor to (电子邮件保护) with “letter to editor” in the subject heading; or mail letters to Editor, 朱丽亚音乐杂志, 60 林肯中心 Plaza, 纽约, NY 10023. Please include your hometown and a phone number w在这里 you can be reached. If you are an alumnus/na, please indicate that, too. Letters may be edited for length or content.


的 朱丽亚音乐杂志, which appears four times per year, welcomes submissions for the 课堂笔记 column, When sending your news, please follow these guidelines so that we can process your news quickly and accurately.

  1. 电邮新闻至 (电子邮件保护) with “课堂笔记” in the subject line.
  2. Your item may be edited for content and length.
  3. Please limit items to activities that occurred no more than 12 months prior to the date of submission.
  4. Be as specific as possible and include the date and location (city and state) for each event.
  5. If your item includes names other than your own, please indicate to the best of your knowledge whether the other people are also Juilliard alums.
  6. You may submit a photo for consideration but we can't guarantee its usage. 的 preferred way to email a photo is as a JPEG attachment. (Please supply a photo credit if applicable.)

Subscribe to the Print Edition

朱丽亚音乐杂志 is published quarterly. A one-year subscription is $25 (which includes first-class postage). Please make checks payable to “朱丽亚音乐杂志” and mail to the address above. Be sure to include your name and address. We also accept credit card orders by phone.

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朱丽亚音乐杂志 报头


Boris De Los Santos, Audrey Hawkins, Frantz Saint-Val, and Anna Sayer



回到 杂志 主页.

Last Updated Monday, Feb. 27, 2023, 12:03AM